Please join us on Sunday, July 30 at 10 am for our annual Tisha b’Av program at Temple Shir-Ha-Ma’alot in Irvine (3652 Michelson Drive, Irvine, CA 92612).
We are delighted to have Omid Salmon and Fahima Ghazal Zarbafian share their experiences leaving Afghanistan, their long journey to the U.S., and their new lives in Orange County. Omid and Fahima are married and have a six-year old daughter.
Tisha b’Av is an annual day of remembrance for Jewish people to recall the events that led to the destruction of the First and Second temples in Jerusalem and cast Jews out of their homes to become refugees. It falls on the 9th day of the month of Av, or Tisha b’Av.
Click here for a list of additional tragic events that fell on Tisha b’Av over the centuries.